

【軍事譯典通】Wangshengming Road To Commemorate the Martyr’s Heroic Deeds(緬懷忠烈軍魂—王生明路)
The image of the female cobbler mending military parade shoes with a hamper reminded then-cadets of their good old days in Wangshengming Road. (YDN Photo) 皮鞋店老闆熟練的拿起工具,敲打軍用小皮鞋的身影,是許多軍校生對王生明路的記憶。 (本報資料照片)
【軍事譯典通】Wangshengming Road To Commemorate the Martyr’s Heroic Deeds(緬懷忠烈軍魂—王生明路)1
【軍事譯典通】Wangshengming Road To Commemorate the Martyr’s Heroic Deeds(緬懷忠烈軍魂—王生明路)2


Reported by Chi-chen Fu

Translated by Warren King

 To commemorate General Wang Sheng-ming sacrificing his life to safeguard the nation, one of the roads in Fongshan District, Kaohsiung, was named after him in honor of his heroic deeds fighting against the PLA troops in the Battle of Yijiangshan Islands, occurred in early 1955 during the 1st Taiwan Strait Crisis over one of the last strongholds of the R.O.C. forces near mainland China. Military units right alongside Wangshengming Road are R.O.C. Military Academy, Chung Cheng Armed Forces Preparatory School, and Army Infantry Training Command. There were many stalls, retail shops and military surplus stores selling commercially made items and large stocks of boots, clothing, work wear, military accessories and so much more all along the road, where the service members had their uniforms custom-made by the military uniform builder, boots and shoes repaired at shoemaking & shoemending shops, hair cut at barbershops, and a lot more. Specifically, many regional cuisines from the military dependents' villages were available at the street food vendors, food stalls and eateries over there, reminding so many service members of those good old days in Wangshengming Road.

 Decades ago, there were all sorts of shops all along Wangshengming Road. Along with the grocery stores offering a great volumes of basic commodities, there were also some military surplus stores, most often found only around barracks, offering any rank & branch, awards & decorations, uniforms & accessories that the service members might need from head to toe. In accordance with the urban development, the old Wangshengming Road was widened to allow the increasing need for public transportation. Since then, the street scenes with the cadets in their crisp and clean uniforms striding swiftly in an unusual quality of bold vigor on Wangshengming Road have long gone. Things just change as time goes by. However, what has happened in those good old days are still there for people to recall from time to time.

 The close bond between people will never change just like that the R.O.C. Armed Forces will wholeheartedly protect our homeland and safeguard the civil liberties of its citizens. While the glory of Wangshengming Road has gone far away, the stories behind the road will last for generations to come. If you have chance to walk by, remember to have a bowl of noodles, get a custom-tailored or bespoke suit, and feel the military atmosphere still amid all along the road. Be sure to ignite the passion of patriotism in your mind while commemorating those heroic martyrs in the name of their courageous sacrifice.

廣告20240418-24桐花祭「美好彰化 幸福桐遊」內
